What difference does it make to the dead, the orphans, and the homeless. Whether the mad destruction is wrought under the name of totalitarianism or the holy name of liberty or democracy ?


Homelessness is a growing problem. In 2008, for the first time in human history,
more than 50% of the global population dwells in cities; estimates predict 70% by
2050. Malaysia’s development mirrors this trend, with rapid increases in both
population, and urban to rural population ratio. Legislatively, Malaysia’s Destitute
Persons Act 1977, provides for voluntary/involuntary admission to a welfare home,
and the arrest of an “escaped destitute person”. However, a public policy on
homelessness, in the broader contemporary context of population growth and rapid
urbanisation, is nonexistent. This paper is a case study of homelessness in Kuala
Lumpur from a public policy perspective. Preliminary findings suggest that for some,
a pattern of rural to urban migration is associated with homelessness and
consequentially helplessness. However, some homeless people are from Kuala
Lumpur. In view of Malaysia’s recent, current and impending, dramatic, demographic
changes, this paper suggests that Malaysia must now develop a broad based, public
policy on homelessness.

1 comment:

  1. My name is Eugene Arthurs and I am the author of the above Research titled "Homelessness in Malaysia: A Public Policy Issue. The above material under the title, "Story in the Star (January 7, 2008) is part of the same research paper that I wrote. The material appearing under the heading, "Why then are people homeless and sleeping on the streets of Kuala Lumpur?" is also from my research paper. The photographs have been added by someone else. Three things:
    1. It would have been appropriate to acknowledge me as the author of the above research.

    2. I'm happy to respond to queries about my research. I can be contacted at Eugene.Arthurs@hotmail.com

    3. If anyone would like to read the research paper in the order it was written and as I presented it at The 6th International Malaysian Studies Conference you can find it here:

